Friday, May 25, 2007

Ab initio

I'm Mike. I've decided to give moving to China a shot. After all, China is where it's all going down right now and everybody keep talking about it. Plus, perhaps a more important reason my girlfriend (Rochelle) is Chinese and choosing between staying in Europe or China we both prefered China. I've been to China one time before for a couple of months the previous summer.

I have to say my first impression of China was very negative. People were not nearly as friendly or open-minded as the people I had met in other countries. When I've been to other Asian countries people have always shown a natural curiousity towards me being a foreigner but in China people don't seem to care that much, especially in Shanghai being a very international city. Another negative experience was the food. I come from a region where people are crazy about meat, fat sauces and potatoes. It was a total culture shoch eating the Chinese food. I hated almost all the dishes that were served to me. I just couldn't begin to understand how people coud eat beans and ice for desert, the affection for bones or sweet meat. The positive impression was my girlfriend's family who treated me like a member of their family. They lavished me in gifts and free dinners.

This is my second time around in China and this time I'm here to stay. After I finished my vacation in my girlfriend's city we will go to Shanghai in order to write our master thesis for a major Scandinavian company in the beginning of June. That's when the real adventure will start.

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